How to place order online?

2014-4-24 19:33:07    from:admin    view:10421

How to place order online?

Welcom to visit TAISHENG website. Place order just do 3 steps as below: Once we get the order list, We'll get in touch with you ASAP.

Step 1: Choosing the item you want, put them into the cart. One IP only have on cart, so do not worry if you close this page, when you choose a new item, you'll find all of them are still in the cart.



Step 2: Click the orders to finish the order.


Step 3: After Step 2, you'll find this page. Full on the requirement, and click the Submit. Then all thing has been finished. Once we get the information,we'll get in touch with you ASAP.



Thanks for your looking, Place order online can get some discount. Any further question,just contact us.


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