2017 15th CAFEXPO TAISHENG FRAME will join this fair

2017-2-24 13:06:56    from:admin    view:11288

TAISHENG FRAME will join the 15th CAFEXPO in Shanghai . The booth number is A055-A056 . Welcome to our booth and talk more details about our cooperation .

Address: Shanghai Convention and Exhibition Center of International Sourcing

Date: March 5 to 7,2017.

Time :

AM 9:00-17:00

Bhooth  number : A055- A056

About the Fair :

Shanghai Art and Frame Expo 2017 will be held from March 5 to 7 in Shanghai Convention and International Sourcing Center. The show is professional for international and national art and framing industry around global industry market for all of wholesalers and retailers collected a range of different picture frames, photo frames, mouldings, decorative arts, picture publishers ., art materials, framing hardwares,relative machinery and technologies

About the Booth map , Please check it as below .

If you want to know more , Please contact us . Our mail is sales@taishengframe.com . Welcome to our booth . 

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