2019 ART& WEDDING FRAME SHOW 2nd will be held on Mar 20-22nd

2019-3-17 9:31:07    from:admin    view:10589

China Art and Frame Expo is most of people talking about it in the art and framing industry of the world,which will be held from March 20 to 22 In Yiwu International Exhibition Center. 

TAISHENG BOOTH :C dirstric -C20, Welcome to visit us !

The show is professional for international and national art and framing and home decoration industry around global industry market for all of wholesalers and retailers collected a range of different wedding frames and mouldings,picture frames, photo frames, mouldings, decorative arts, picture publishers, art materials, framing hardwares,relative machinery and technologies, also the show includes for weeding fashional products. China Art and Frame Show can assist you getting lower 50% wholesale prices from China picture framing and wedding manufacturers, whom with big production capability from domestic and international art and framing industry. China Art and Frame Show 2019 is specially for picture frame and art industry & wedding fashion exhibition. The exhibitors are picture frame mouldings makers, art painters, art materials, framing machineries suppliers ,wedding fashional material offers from China, Korea, Italy, USA, Germany, Russia, Turkey,etc. Here, all of attendance can get a first look at the newest designs and materials for wedding fashional, framing mouldings, western art publishers, digital printings, lawful art reproductions,Giclee, framing equipment, advanced  mat cutters mahcineries from different manufacturers.

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