The features of this one like below:
1, New design, Two hand in both side. Good for the big frame;
2, Energy - saving ,Working with all air pneumatic , without electric power .
3, Use-friendly, use the rod in the right side to move the V-Nails and finish the nailing. It does not need move the desk plate any more,
This action can help us get more standard frame ;
4, Max width nailing size. The width nailing size has been improved to 25cm !! It can help you get a perfect art product,
We don't need worry about how the big frame work make any more!
5,There is a black button on the connecting rod . This can helps us lock the rod on one position . This can makes
nails up more easy .
Working video: new design for the clamp. Close the corner by itself !
There is a black button on the connecting rod . This can helps us lock the rod on one position . This can makes
nails up more easy .
Two clamp and long distance make us fix the big mouldings more easy .
New lock button can make the nails easy up :